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Nitrous Oxide

Woman with nitrious gas onDo you feel a little nervous when it’s time to visit the dentist? Does dental anxiety ever get in the way of accessing the treatment you know that you need?

With light nitrous oxide sedation, you can easily relax throughout your procedure without lingering drowsiness or side effects. In fact, the analgesic wears off so quickly after your appointment that you can drive yourself home afterward.

What to Expect

Nitrous oxide is a gas that’s mixed with oxygen, which you breathe in through your nose. Although you’re completely alert and aware of everything going on around you, you’ll care just a bit less about the sounds and sensations of your planned procedure. It’s almost as if you’ve had a couple of glasses of wine.

It only takes a few minutes for nitrous oxide to start working. You’ll still be able to have a conversation with us and answer any questions that we have. Then once your procedure is complete, we’ll put you back on 100% pure oxygen and the effects will wear off within about five minutes.

Should I Get Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

Laughing gas has been used in dentistry for over a hundred years and is completely safe. We recommend it for people who may feel a little uneasy about their routine dental work or have a lengthier procedure planned.

Most people with dental anxiety find that catching up on their treatment with the help of nitrous oxide is all they need to get their oral health back on track. You may not require laughing gas for other appointments, but it’s always available upon request.

We’re Here to Put Your Mind at Ease

Our highly experienced dentists value your comfort. We want each care experience to be a positive one. Contact Crafton Dental today and request nitrous oxide during your next appointment.


Nitrous Oxide in Columbia MD | (410) 381-0900