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Dentist checking childs teeth

Pediatric Dental
Emergency Care

Are you having a dental emergency? Crafton Dental can help with your child’s emergency! When a dental emergency happens, you shouldn’t have to worry about where you are going to take your kids. We will do our very best to see them right away at our Columbia pediatric dental office.

If your child needs emergency dental treatment, make sure to call us right away at (410) 381-0900. If you feel the situation warrants it, please do not hesitate to call 911 for emergency medical assistance.

What Should I Do for a Knocked-Out Tooth?

Primary (Baby) Tooth

Even though baby teeth aren’t permanent, you should still bring your child into our office if they accidentally knock out a baby tooth. Baby teeth are critical to the alignment of adult teeth and act as space savers for them. If the tooth has been knocked out completely, grip it by the crown and gently place it into a saltwater solution or some milk. Bring the tooth and your child into our office, and we will determine what the best course of action will be.

Adult Tooth

While it is important that you don’t place a baby tooth back into the mouth, in the case of an adult tooth, the best thing that you can do to transport it back to our office is place it back into the socket where it came from. If you can’t place it back into the socket, you can always place it between the lip and the gum, or even into a saltwater solution or some milk.

As with all dental emergencies, call us right away at (410) 381-0900, and we will do our best to see you right away.

What Should I Do for a Broken Tooth?

If a tooth gets broken, make sure to wash out the mouth with some warm water to help keep the area clean. Place a cold compress or some ice onto the face to help reduce swelling and to control pain. If you can find the bit of the tooth that broke off, bring it with you to our office, and we will do our best to re-attach it.

What Should I Do for a Bitten Tongue or Lip?

Clean the mouth out with some warm water and make sure to place a cold compress or some ice over the site. The cold compress will help with swelling and bruising around the site. If bleeding doesn’t stop within 30 to 45 minutes, call us and bring your child into our office, or to the emergency room.

What Should I Do for Objects Stuck Between Teeth?

Small objects like popcorn kernels often get stuck in between teeth or around the gumline. As a child, it can be hard to remove things that get stuck in your teeth, so it may fall on the parent to help them remove it safely. Gently try to remove the object with some dental floss. If you can’t remove the object, bring your child into our office, and we will be happy to remove it.

What Should I Do for a Toothache?

Rinse the mouth out with some warm saltwater to clean it. Motrin or Tylenol can be taken  to help reduce their level of discomfort. Never directly apply a pain reliever to any spot in the mouth. Bring your child into our office to be seen as soon as you can.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about whether your situation qualifies as a dental emergency, you may call us at (410) 381-0900 or email us at If you feel the situation warrants it, do not hesitate to call 911 for emergency medical assistance.

If you do not have a dental emergency, but would like to schedule an appointment for your child, give us a call, email us, or request an appointment through our website. We encourage you to start bringing your child in to be seen as soon as they are one year old so that they can start to become familiar with our office and staff.


Pediatric Dental Emergency Care in Columbia MD | (410) 381-0900